
Histoire d’un corps

Le livre tiré du podcast - en cours d’écriture.



Alice, perhaps a journalist, isn’t sure yet of what she wants to be when she grows-up. Fleeing Paris and a traumatic experience she’d rather forget, she moves into a damp Brixton house-share. Her new life is one blurry streak of smoky late nights in theatre bars: a perfect place for a brand-new start.

Jake, an aspiring theatre actor, is fighting demons of his own. When he is cast in a revival of The Seagull in a prestigious theatre, he senses things might be able to change.

Their first conversation, awkward yet electrifying, ends with a kiss. They take their relationship online.

Immersed in the world of theatre, over the course of a difficult year marked by terrorist attacks in Paris and the Brexit referendum campaign, they’re looking for truth, for something real, scratching beyond the filters of social media.

The Unlived is a coming-of-age love story about two people with terrible timing, living in a world that seems to be on fire.

OUT NOW on Kindle and Paperback. Order here.

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A feminist guide about dropping everything to move and have a baby in Italy.